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We're Making The World Kinder!

We've seen how beautiful the world can be when people are kinder. We've seen how easier life has been when surrounded by kind people.


Join our movement to foster kindness and make a positive impact on the world

Empowered 100+ People To Be Kinder

Kind Hearts Brigade was founded in 2020 with a simple yet profound mission: to make the world a kinder place. We've created products and cohorts/programs that WORK and are truly transformative.

If you're like us, and just want to live in a place where you have FAITH in humanity. Look no further! Join us and we'll empower you to be kind too.

Kindness Cohorts

We've created two unique programs to help people cultivate kindness through different kinds of acts. Find yourself being kinder at the end of your journey!

Explore our store

Browse through our collection of physical and digital products that will help foster empathy and kind connections.

Anisha M, Mumbai

"I've always struggled with kindness towards myself and this workshop helped tremendously with that. This journaling program gives you a moment everyday to truly extend compassion to yourself, no matter what the circumstance may be. Thank you, for such an insightful, informative, helpful and thoughtful cohort."
Logo of The Week magazine

Our efforts at Kind Hearts Brigade have been featured on The Week!

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