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Kindess Resolution Challenge

Are you looking for an easy resolution to do for 2023? 


How about something that is kind and does not make you feel guilty about not completing it?


Kind Hearts Brigade has your back! Let's set an easy resolution that will make our world a kinder place.

Hand holding heart

Resolutions can be difficult

It's not easy to celebrate someone else's win while we're still a work in progress. (Are we the only ones suddenly tempted to take shortcuts now? 🥺)

How about a simpler resolution instead?

This year can be different. And it can be filled with easy wins and simple resolutions.

How about the time when you held the door open for someone? Or when you chose a sustainable alternative? Or were kind to a stranger? Those count as wins too!

Enter The
Kindness Resolution Challenge

In 2022, we asked around 10 people to choose kindness as a resolution.

In 2022, we asked around 10 people to choose kindness as a resolution.


7 out of 10 ended 2022 feeling good about themselves because they were able to consistently stick to their resolutions.

*the other 3 couldn't because life got in the way. 2 of them want to try again this year.

In this cohort, we aim to keep our participants motivated throughout their journey by being their accountability partner throughout their journey of becoming kind.

There is another
Kindness Resolution Challenge
running at this moment

We currently have 20+ people who have chosen to be kind in 2023. 

One month in, this is what one of our participants had to say:

"Bless you with abundance and really grateful to you for this KINDNESS RESOLUTION challenge because I am actually loving it."

People together

Would you like to choose a kind resolution in 2024? Stay tuned as we will open up a yearly resolution challenge, along with a few shorter challenges too!

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